Terms of Use

Terms of Use

Our service aims to promote health by analyzing the state of the body based on user input and image information and providing relevant information. It is not a substitute for medical diagnoses or advice from healthcare professionals. Additionally, the company bears no responsibility for any outcomes resulting from the analysis or information provided. However, it may be used in medical settings at the discretion and responsibility of physicians or healthcare professionals.

Notice Based on the Specified Commercial Transactions Law

Responsible Person
Noriyoshi Komoda
2nd Floor, Aji Estate Odori-Nishi Plaza, 18-2-7 Odori-Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
Product Name
Sales Price
Displayed prices are tax-excluded or indicated in separate documents.
Order Method
Please apply through the official MYoACT website.
Delivery Time and Method
Once the application is received, the service can be used starting from 5 business days after the application approval.
Payment Timing and Methods
Payments can be made by the following methods:
Bank Transfer
Monthly closing and payment by the end of the next month.
Credit Card Payment
Follows the terms of the card company used.

Accepted cards: VISA, MasterCard, AMERICAN EXPRESS, Discover Card

Necessary Fees in Addition to Product Price
Consumption tax and other applicable taxes are as per the displayed price and related documentation. Customers are responsible for internet connection fees, communication charges, and bank transfer fees if applicable.
Terms of Cancellation and Refund
Due to the nature of the service, cancellations and refunds are not possible. However, the company may suspend or refuse service usage without prior notice if any of the following conditions apply:
  • 1 If the user violates any terms or conditions set forth by the company, or if the user is deemed inappropriate by the company.
  • 2 If any false information or omissions are found in the user-provided information.
  • 3 If payment is not made by the due date or if the payment method becomes invalid.
  • 4 If service usage is not initiated within 6 months from the start date.
  • 5 If the user does not respond to inquiries or other communications from the company for more than 30 days.
  • 6 If the user engages in actions that are violent, threatening, fraudulent, or that disrupt public order.
  • 7 If the user uses the service in a manner that contradicts the intended use of the service or violates the terms of the agreement.
Application of Returns
The provisions of Article 15-3 of the Specified Commercial Transactions Law regarding cooling-off periods do not apply to this service.
Contract Renewal

Contracts are automatically renewed unless the user submits a termination request in writing or via email at least one month prior to the contract expiration date. Renewal terms are synchronized with the initial contract period.

* Note: The renewal period starts from the day after the current contract ends. If the contract is terminated in the middle of the period, the user is still responsible for payment until the end of the current billing cycle, and refunds for unused services will not be provided.

Responsibility for Service Provision
  • 1 All information provided by this service is used at the sole responsibility of the user company, and the company is not responsible for any troubles or lawsuits arising from the use of such information.
  • 2 The company does not guarantee that the service is free of bugs or defects.
  • 3 The company does not guarantee that the service will meet the specific purposes of the user company, have the expected functions, commercial value, accuracy, or usefulness, comply with applicable laws or industry regulations, or be free of defects.
  • 4 The company is not responsible for any damages (hereinafter referred to as "user company damages") incurred by the user company due to the service itself, changes to the service content, suspension, or refusal of service, freezing or deletion of accounts, deletion or loss of messages or information sent by the user company or users, erasure of user company or user information, data loss, or equipment failure or damage resulting from the use of the service.
  • 5 Even if the company is liable for any reason, the company's liability for user company damages is limited to the amount paid by the user company to the company in the last 12 months. The company is not liable for incidental, indirect, special, future, or lost profit damages.
  • 6 The company is not responsible for any transactions, communications, or disputes between the user company and third parties related to the service or the company's website.
Operating Environment

[Tablet] iPad 6th generation or later
[OS] Please use the latest version for security protection
[Browser] Latest version of Safari

MYoACT Terms of Use

  • 1. Scope of Application

    These Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as "these Terms") govern the conditions for using the service "MYoACT" (hereinafter referred to as "the Service") provided by ORGO Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company"), either directly or through a service provider designated by the Company. These Terms apply to all individuals (hereinafter referred to as "Users") who use the Service.

  • 2. The Service

    • 1. The Service is a service that analyzes and manages the physical information of Users. The specific content of the Service shall be determined by the Company at its discretion, and the Company may freely add, change, or terminate the content of the Service.

    • 2. Some content within the Service may be provided for a fee. When using paid content, Users shall pay the usage fee to the Company or the service provider related to the content of the Service (hereinafter referred to as "Service Provider"). The details of the fees and payment methods shall be determined separately by the Company for each content.

  • 3. No Warranty

    The Service may propose recommended services to Users, which shall be treated as follows:

    • 1. If Users do not input correct information, effective proposals cannot be made.

    • 2. The Service does not guarantee any effects, such as treatment or prevention of specific diseases, from using the recommended services.

    • 3. The decision to implement the recommended services is at the discretion of the User, and the Company is not liable for any damages arising or related to the implementation of the recommended services by the User.

  • 4. Registration and Formation of Usage Contract

    • 1. Those who wish to use the Service shall register for the Service in the manner designated by the Company.

    • 2. When a person registers for the Service as stipulated in the preceding paragraph, they shall be deemed to have applied to use the Service and agreed to these Terms. The usage contract for the Service shall be formed between the Company and the User, except as stipulated in the proviso of this paragraph. However, if the Company determines that the person has violated these Terms or any past contract with the Company, or if the Company deems it inappropriate to conclude a usage contract with the person, the Company shall not accept the application for the usage contract and shall not form the usage contract for the Service.

    • 3. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by those who wish to use the Service based on the measures taken by the Company in the preceding paragraph.

  • 5. Prohibited Acts

    Users shall not engage in the following acts:

    • 1. Reproducing, transmitting, reprinting, distributing, or otherwise providing all or part of the Service to third parties without the Company's permission.

    • 2. Transmitting or writing harmful computer programs.

    • 3. Engaging in acts that may interfere with the operation of the Service.

    • 4. Putting excessive load on the Service's network or system.

    • 5. Damaging the credibility of the Service.

    • 6. Violating laws or engaging in criminal acts.

    • 7. Committing fraud or threats against the Company, other Users, or third parties.

    • 8. Engaging in acts contrary to public order and morals.

    • 9. Infringing on the intellectual property rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, honor, or other rights or interests of the Company, other Users, or third parties.

    • 10. Illegally accessing or attempting to access the Company's network or system.

    • 11. Impersonating a third party.

    • 12. Using another User's account.

    • 13. Advertising, promoting, soliciting, or conducting business on the Service without prior permission from the Company.

    • 14. Causing inconvenience, damage, or discomfort to the Company, other Users, or third parties.

    • 15. Providing benefits to anti-social forces.

    • 16. Collecting information of other Users.

    • 17. Seeking to meet unacquainted individuals of the opposite sex.

    • 18. Directly or indirectly inducing or facilitating the acts listed above.

    • 19. Any other acts deemed inappropriate by the Company.

  • 6. Attribution of Rights

    All copyrights, patent rights, design rights, trademark rights, and other intellectual property rights related to the Service belong to the Company or the third party holding the rights. The license to use the Service under these Terms does not imply the transfer or granting of intellectual property rights related to the Company's website or the Service from the Company or the third party to the User.

  • 7. Confidentiality

    Users shall use the non-public information disclosed by the Company to Users related to the Service solely for the purpose of using the Service and shall handle it as confidential and shall not disclose or leak it to third parties without prior written consent from the Company.

  • 8. Handling of Personal Information

    • 1. The Company shall store the personal information and physical information of Users in the Service. However, the Company is not obligated to store personal information except as required by law.

    • 2. The Company shall not use personal information and physical information for purposes other than providing and operating the Service, nor shall it allow third parties to use them, except in the following cases:

      • 1. When personal information and physical information are aggregated and analyzed in a form that cannot identify individuals, and used as statistical data or machine learning material.

      • 2. When necessary to protect the significant interests of Users and the public, such as life, body, or property.

      • 3. When required by law.

      • 4. When ordered or requested to disclose or provide information by public institutions such as courts, prosecutor's offices, police, etc., or equivalent organizations.

      • 5. When a request for an inquiry is received from a payment company, etc., for investigating unauthorized use.

      • 6. When Users use services provided by a business operator utilizing the Service, the Company may provide the utilization status and results of the Service to such business operators for understanding and analyzing the utilization status and results of the Service.

      • 7. When Users use content provided by Service Providers, the Company may provide necessary information to such Service Providers to enable the utilization and operation of the content.

      • 8. Other cases where User consent is obtained.

    • 3. The Company shall appropriately handle personal information and physical information based on a separately defined Privacy Policy, and Users agree to this.

  • 9. SMS and Email Distribution

    The Company may send SMS or email messages to the telephone number, email address, or other contact information of Users for the purpose of advertising the Company's products and services, and Users consent to this in advance.

  • 10. Suspension of User Accounts

    • 1. If Users fall under any of the following conditions, the Company may suspend or refuse the use of the Service by such Users without prior notice. If the violation is severe or the User does not correct the violation despite the Company's warning, the Company may freeze or delete the User's account.

      • 1. If Users violate any of the provisions of these Terms, or if the Company determines that the User has violated any past contract with the Company.

      • 2. If false information is found in the User information.

      • 3. If it is discovered that a third party has registered for the Service or modified User information without the User's consent.

      • 4. If payment is suspended or impossible, or if bankruptcy proceedings, civil rehabilitation proceedings, corporate reorganization proceedings, special liquidation, or similar procedures are initiated.

      • 5. If the Service is not used for more than 6 months.

      • 6. If the User does not respond to inquiries or other communications from the Company for more than 30 days.

      • 7. If the User is an anti-social force or is involved in any form of interaction or involvement with anti-social forces.

      • 8. Other cases where the Company deems the use of the Service or continuation of the service contract inappropriate.

    • 2. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by Users based on the measures taken by the Company in the preceding paragraph.

  • 11. Interruption of Service Provision

    • 1. The Company may interrupt the provision of part or all of the Service without prior notice if any of the following conditions apply:

      • 1. When performing periodic or irregular maintenance of the Service.

      • 2. When computers, communication lines, etc., are stopped due to an accident.

      • 3. When the provision of the Service is impossible due to force majeure such as earthquakes, lightning, fire, wind and flood damage, natural disasters, power outages, war, riots, disturbances, labor disputes, etc.

      • 4. Other cases where the Company deems it necessary to suspend or interrupt the provision of the Service for operational or technical reasons.

    • 2. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by Users based on the measures taken by the Company in the preceding paragraph.

  • 12. Disclaimer

    • 1. The use of all information provided by the Service is at the sole responsibility of Users, and the Company is not liable for any troubles or lawsuits arising from the use of such information.

    • 2. The Company does not guarantee that the Service is free of bugs or defects.

    • 3. The Company does not guarantee that the Service will meet the specific purposes of Users, have the expected functions, commercial value, accuracy, or usefulness, comply with applicable laws, or be free of defects.

    • 4. The Company is not responsible for any damages (hereinafter referred to as "User damages") incurred by Users from the use of the Service, including changes to the service content, suspension, or refusal of service, freezing or deletion of accounts, deletion or loss of messages or information sent by Users, erasure of User information, data loss, or equipment failure or damage resulting from the use of the Service.

    • 5. Even if the Company is liable for any reason, the Company's liability for User damages is limited to the amount paid by Users to the Company in the last 12 months. The Company is not liable for incidental, indirect, special, future, or lost profit damages.

    • 6. The Company is not responsible for any transactions, communications, or disputes between Users and third parties (including service providers) arising from or related to the Service or the Company's website.

  • 13. Compensation for Damages

    If the Company incurs damages due to a breach of these Terms, Users shall compensate the Company for the damages at their own expense and responsibility.

  • 14. Changes to These Terms

    • 1. The Company may change these Terms if there is a reasonable reason. When the Company changes these Terms, it shall specify the effective date, notify Users of the change, and disclose the content of the changed Terms and the effective date via the internet or other means. Users shall be deemed to have agreed to the changes to these Terms when they use the Service after the disclosure of the changes.

    • 2. The Company is not liable for any damages incurred by Users due to the changes described in the preceding paragraph.

  • 15. Contact and Notifications

    Inquiries about the Service and other communications or notifications from Users to the Company, as well as notifications regarding changes to these Terms and other communications or notifications from the Company to Users, shall be conducted in the manner prescribed by the Company.

  • 16. Prohibition of Transfer

    Users shall not transfer, assign, set as collateral, or otherwise dispose of their position in the service usage contract or their rights or obligations under these Terms to any third party without prior written consent from the Company.

  • 17. Severability

    Even if any provision of these Terms is found to be invalid for any reason, that provision shall be interpreted in a limited manner to maintain its validity as much as possible, and the validity of the other provisions shall not be affected.

  • 18. Jurisdiction

    Any disputes arising between the Company and Users related to or resulting from the Service shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court as the court of first instance.

  • 19. Language

    These Terms are governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Japan.

  • These Terms are created in Japanese, English, and Traditional Chinese, with the Japanese version being the authoritative text. In case of any conflict or inconsistency, the Japanese version shall prevail.

    Established on April 1, 2024.