The MYoACT Engine is the only musculoskeletal analysis platform in the world that uses AI to analyze image and video data,
converting it into data on the activation of human joints and muscles.



  • Musculoskeletal
  • 3D Viewer
  • Data Management
  • Issue Identification and
    Motion Comparison
  • Data Analysis
  • Motion Data Integration

The MYoACT Engine is the only musculoskeletal analysis platform in the world that uses AI to analyze image and video data, converting it into data on the activation of human joints and muscles. Developers can easily create applications utilizing musculoskeletal analysis data with the MYoACT Engine SDK.

01 Musculoskeletal


Musculoskeletal Analysis

  • Ground Reaction Forces
  • Joint Torque
  • Muscle Activity
  • Center of Gravity Shift
  • Human-Related Calculations

Musculoskeletal analysis physically estimates human movement and, beyond traditional posture estimation, can simulate down to the internal muscle level of an individual. This reduces the complexities associated with traditional motion capture setups, multiple cameras, and the need for calibration, allowing for usage with just single-view image and video data or even live footage.
Developers can use the data output from the MYoACT Engine—joint angles, ground reaction forces, joint torques, and muscle activities—to create applications related to medical or sports fields where human movement is integral. Furthermore, the engine is equipped with convenient data analysis libraries, including middleware for medical calculations based on estimated data, as well as for enhancing sports training programs.

02 Motion Data

Motion Data

Motion Data Integration

  • Simultaneous Use of Multiple Data Sets
  • Motion Capture
  • Video Input
  • Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)
  • Data Processing Library

Applications incorporating the MYoACT ENGINE are designed to simultaneously utilize multiple data types in a time series, including time, muscle activation levels, joint torque, external force, and the coordinates of objects being held. By ensuring interactivity among these data types, it becomes possible to synchronize and use multiple sets of data simultaneously. The MYoACT Engine automatically processes the temporal synchronization of the available data and also offers libraries for data preprocessing and postprocessing, along with interfaces for customization.

03 3D Viewer

3D Viewer

3D Viewer

  • Vector data of force direction
  • Human body model rendering
  • Graph drawing
  • 360-degree viewpoint
  • Time-series playback of analysis data

The point cloud data provided by the MYoACT Engine is three-dimensional and also represents vector data indicating the direction of force. A 3D viewer is provided as a standard feature to represent this data. In the 3D viewer, you can playback the analysis data in a time series and freely move the viewpoint 360 degrees.
Additionally, the 3D viewer supports various formats, allowing modifications to the 3D human model data, representations of just the muscles, or models of just the skeletal structure.

04 Solution


Issue Identification and Motion Comparison

  • Issue Identification
  • Motion Comparison
  • Estimation of Improvement Measures

The data obtained from the MYoACT Engine consists of three-dimensional coordinate data, the direction of force, estimates of muscle activation, and external force. This raw data does not have significant meaning by itself. To utilize this data in applications, it is necessary to imbue this data set with meaning.
For example, if the movement of the knee is estimated to be poor, the data could be used to predict knee diseases. In this way, the system provides libraries that estimate potential issues from the data or make estimates that lead to better improvements.
Being able to analyze multiple sets of analysis results simultaneously allows for further extraction of issues by comparing oneself with others, the past with the present, or the anticipated future, enabling a deeper understanding and identification of potential problems.

05 Data


Data Management

  • Metadata Management
  • Customer Data Management
  • Asset Management

The data generated by the MYoACT Engine is vast, producing data for each joint, including coordinates, torque, direction, and more. The MYoACT Engine offers functionalities to graph these data sets for visualization. It allows for the simultaneous overlay of multiple data sets or the concurrent analysis of separate data.
To facilitate data analysis, the engine also provides interfaces for easily managing the parameters set for analysis, storage for metadata, and assets.

06 Data Analysis

Data Analysis

Data Analysis

  • Applications in Basic Research
  • Product Development
  • Analysis Libraries

The data generated by the MYoACT Engine achieves accuracy equivalent to expensive motion capture equipment, electromyography sensors, and force plates. This level of precision is suitable for academic evaluation by researchers in academic positions and can be utilized not only for applications intended for end-users but also for product development and presentations in basic research.
Furthermore, it includes data analysis libraries commonly used in statistics for data conversion, estimation, and testing, necessary for data analysis.


Medical Solutions

Data derived from human body movements can be utilized for evaluating medical efficacy and for pre-procedure simulations. Additionally, it can be used for post-operative outcome assessments and daily activity monitoring, offering potential in estimating various diseases.

Apparel Solutions

By using the MyoACT engine, you can estimate the comfort of wearing clothes and the ease of movement in sportswear. This contributes to the development of better products and the improvement of sports performance.

Sports Solutions

A solution that displays alerts in sports training facilities to determine whether muscles are being used correctly and if there is no risk of injury. This helps reduce the most damaging injury risks for professional athletes and offers suggestions for more efficient body movement.


The MYoACT ENGINE allows you to download a dedicated development environment and utilize the IDE for your development needs.


Learn about the MYoACT ENGINE through our videos. We have prepared a tutorial room, so you can smoothly proceed with the setup by following the steps.

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coming soon


If you need references for your development, please use the form to contact us. We are developing a specialized support program.

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Application examples will be updated as needed!

High-Precision Musculoskeletal Analysis Tool MYoACT

A solution that has been developed as an application based on collaborative research with the International Medical Research Center. Physical therapists use it in rehabilitation settings to easily convey rehabilitation results to patients, resulting in increased motivation through quantified outcomes.

HTO Surgery Suggestion Posture Evaluation App

An application that analyzes walking videos to suggest the necessity of specific surgeries. By increasing awareness of effective yet not widely known surgeries, it allows for the treatment of more patients.
